Hong Kong SoonWin Food Replica Company

Hong Kong Fake Food Company/Soonwin Development Co.
(Professional Food Replica Manufacturer

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Hong Kong Soonwin Food Replica/Fake food Company limited is a fully owned subsidiary of Romeo Food Replica Company(Japan) limited which is located in Shanghai. We have almost 90 staffs who are responsible for food replica sales, marketing, manufacturing, production , R&D. Most of our staffs have college qualification. This makes our team become the biggest and the most professional food replicas manufacturer in China.

Our objective is to provide high quality fake food models for different customers including restaurants, food manufacturer and any business related to food. We do our best to make customers can get the most effective tool to propagating their unique cook before their customer with a lowest investment.

Food model or Fake food or artificial food are a model or replica of a food item made form plastic material. These models are commonly used in restaurant to represent the dishes available inside.

Fake food are mostly handmade from polyvinyl chloride and sculpted to look like the actual dishes. The food models can be custom-tailored to individual restaurants. During the molding process, the imitation ingredients are often chopped up and combined in a manner similar to actual cooking.

Display food model can bring customers the most straightforward economic-effective practical way to show their delicious life-live food before the customers. This creates an unresisting impact to stimulating the customer’s appetite and stays a deep impression in customers mind.


There also have others major competitive edge of  artificial foods display model better than the real food display. First, food models is an ideal medium for long time display. It will not limited by environment, time, humidity with the advantage that it will not dry out, melt, fade out of colors even at abnormal temperatures. So that the model displaying life will last for decade of years and can be used over and over again. Secondly, our artificial food dummy were tailored to different client and can be worked on remodeled until perfection is achieved and they can easily be paired if they are damaged.


Our customers include many of the world’s leading food industrial companies. At the heart of our success is our commitment to make our customer successful.

                                                                                                                                                                            Tel : 852- 29614467
                                                          Copyright 2023 by Soonwin Fake Food Company                                   Fax : 852- 30119595
                                                                                                                                                                        e-mail : main@soon-win.com

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